National Health Insurance and National Pension(国民健康保健と国民年金)
National Pension
Please go to the citizen services division (shiminka 市民課、shiminkankyoka 市民環境課 in general branch offices).
For a general explanation of the national pension program, please see the Japan Pension Service website:
National Pension System<外部リンク>
Also, you can get more information via the Daily Life Support Portal for Foreign Nationals. Go to the blue bar on the bottom left to toggle languages.
Daily Life Support Portal for Foreign Nationals<外部リンク>
National Health Insurance
To register for national health insurance, please go to either the Health Promotion Dept. (kenkozoshinka 健康増進課) in Main City Hall, the health and welfare devision (kenkofukushika 健康福祉課) in Esashi, Maesawa, and Koromogawa general branch offices, or the citizen service division (shiminkankyoka 市民環境課) in Isawa general branch office.
See this Iwate prefecture page for general details on national health insurance.
National Health Insurance (国民健康保険, kokumin kenkou hoken)<外部リンク>
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