Information About Covid-19 (新型コロナウイルス感染症情報)


ページID: 10693

Latest Information

About the Management of COVID-19 from April 2024 Onward

Notice for All City Residents

This is an announcement from Iwate prefecture.
As of March 31st, 2024, in light of the reevaluation of the national system, public funding support for the cost of medications and hospital stays related to COVID-19 will come to an end; the burden of medical fees will change.

Things That Will End as of April 2024

  • As of the end of March, the designation of outpatient medical facilities for diagnosis/consultations for people with fevers will come to an end. If you have a fever or similar symptoms, please go to your regular doctor or a local healthcare center.
    (Note) You can search for healthcare centers within the prefecture via Iwate Medical Net.

  • Public funding support for the out-of-pocket portion of high-cost medical care for hospital stays will conclude at the end of March.

  • Vaccine-related public funds will be discontinued at the end of March.

  • Public funds for COVID-19 medications (Lagevrio, Paxlovid, Xocova, etc.) will be discontinued at the end of March.

Things That Will Continue After April 2024

The consultation center for people with fevers (the Iwate Healthcare Follow-up Center) and the Iwate Prefecture COVID-19 Vaccine Expert Consultation Line will be run as the Prefectural Residents’ Medical Consultation Center (weekdays 9AM-4PM) and the Iwate Fever Consultation Center (weekdays 4PM-9AM the next day, except for weekends and holidays.)

Please Keep Taking Basic Infection Prevention Measures Against COVID-19 and Influenza

About the Transmission Trends of Covid-19 etc. in Iwate and Oshu

The transmission trend of Covid-19 in Oshu is as follows.

Report timeframe: Week 21 (May 20th - May 26th)
Infected persons per unit was 4.00, a decrease as compared to the previous week (6.29). Seasonal influenza rates are almost flat.

So as to protect older adults and others with a higher risk of serious infection, and to avoid putting strain on the healthcare system due to the spread of new infections, please continue to take basic preventative measures: such as avoiding the 3 C’s, leaving space between yourself and others, washing your hands/practicing hand hygiene, effective ventilation, wearing a mask when the situation calls for it, and similar.

If you have a fever or other symptoms, please consult your regular doctor or your nearest healthcare center for treatment.

You can access COVID-19 infection trend data from this page (Japanese-language only):

About Covid-19 Vaccines

As of Friday, March 29th, 2024, Oshu’s COVID-19 vaccine program has concluded.

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